Anfield Group Practice

98 Townsend Lane, Liverpool, L6 0BB | Tel:0151 295 9520
98 Townsend Lane, Liverpool, L6 0BB | Tel:0151 295 9520 Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:30pm

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Out of Hours and Emergencies

    If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online ( or call 111.

    111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5. 

    Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.


  • NHS urges people to prioritise mental health in the workplace

    NHS urges people to prioritise mental health in the workplace

    This World Mental Health Day (10 October) the NHS in Cheshire and Merseyside is shining light on ‘burnout’, one of the most pressing issues affecting modern workplaces, by asking people to look aft...

    10/10/2024 11:19:31 AM

    NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

  • ICON Week 2024

    ICON Week 2024

    Raising awareness about infant crying and coping strategies....

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    NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

  • #AskAboutAsthma 2024: helping children and young people to live their best lives

    #AskAboutAsthma 2024: helping children and young people to live their best lives

    #AskAboutAsthma returns for its eighth year in September 2024. The campaign encourages simple changes to children and young people’s care that will make a big difference to how they experience thei...

    9/9/2024 9:03:27 AM

    NHS Cheshire and Merseyside


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